Seasonal activity of insect fauna collected through light trap in polyhouse
Agrawal Megha, Vaishampayan Sanjay and Chaukikar Kailash
Seasonal changes in the activity of insect fauna monitored by light trap catches (weekly total) operated by Light trap model SMV 4 using UV (8+8 watt) light source 12” Tube length throughout the active season during the period September to March 2nd week 2020. This study examined the seasonal activity of 14 species out of which 8 are Beneficial and 6 are Harmful. The species viz. Chlaenius circumdatus, Ophionea indica, Dytiscus marginalis, Brachinus longipalpis, Chlaenius nigricans, Chlaenius medioguttatis, Coccinella septumpunctata, Sirthenea carinata, Forficula auricularia, Riptortus strenuus, Gryllus bimaculatus, Cofana spectra, Flata sps., Spodoptera litura were observed in trap catches operated inside polyhouse (crop: tomato) regularly. It was found that Coleoptera is the most diverse insect order in polyhouse ecosystem followed by Orthoptera. Peaks were observed in general, showing highest and lowest activity both.