Diversity analysis of nocturnal lepidopteran insect fauna in rice eco-systems of district Jabalpur, Madhya Pradesh, India
Anil Kurmi, R Pachori, AK Bhowmick, A Sharma, HL Sharma, Moni Thomas and BK Namdev
Present study was conducted in district Jabalpur, Madhya Pradesh during the kharif season of year 2015 and 2016. Study was in special reference to insect diversity, species richness, abundance, evenness and similarity in two distinct and distant rice ecosystems -Farmer’s Field in Panagar and Research Field in JNKVV Jabalpur. Farmer’s Field was less disturbed area where farmers followed the traditional agricultural practices while Research Field was highly disturbed where high input intensive agricultural practices were followed. The insect diversity, species richness, abundance, evenness and similarity was found higher in Farmers’s Field as compare to that in the Research Field. Study revealed that low input farming with minimum disturbance of eco-systems may be helpful to keep the natural balance of insect pests in nature.
Anil Kurmi, R Pachori, AK Bhowmick, A Sharma, HL Sharma, Moni Thomas, BK Namdev. Diversity analysis of nocturnal lepidopteran insect fauna in rice eco-systems of district Jabalpur, Madhya Pradesh, India. J Entomol Zool Stud 2021;9(1):645-650.