Effect of weather parameters on incidence of yellow stem borer, Scirpophagaincertulas (Walker) in rice ecosystem
NS Dalvi, VS Desai, AL Narangalkar, SK Mehendale, SA Chavan and JS Dhekale
The present experiment was conducted during Kharif season 2018-19 and 2019-2020 at Agronomy farm, Department of Agronomy, College of Agriculture, Dapoli to study the correlation between yellow stem borer incidence and weather parameters. Results revealed that morning relative humidity in S1V1 (r=0.723), S1V2 (r=0.636), S1V3(r=0.880), S1V5 (r=0.674) and evening relative humidity in S1V3 (r=0.646), S1V5 (r=0.620) and S1V6 (r=0.626) was found to be positively significant. While, maximum temperature in S1V3 (r=-0.708), S1V4 (r=-0.704), S1V5 (r=-0.760), S1V6 (r=-0.786), S1V7 (r=-0.721), S1V8 (r=-0.721), S1V9 (r=-0.617) and bright sunshine hours S1V2 (r=-0.606) and S1V3 (r=-0.747) was found to be negatively significant. Remaining all of the weather parameters were found to be non-significant.
NS Dalvi, VS Desai, AL Narangalkar, SK Mehendale, SA Chavan, JS Dhekale. Effect of weather parameters on incidence of yellow stem borer, Scirpophaga incertulas (Walker) in rice ecosystem. J Entomol Zool Stud 2021;9(1):715-719.