Studies on succession and population dynamics of insect pest complex of oyster mushroom
Yarra Gana Ram Teja, B Sundar, M Surya Prakash Reddy, Malempati Subash Sri Sanjay and AK Bhowmick
The present investigation was carried out at mushroom production house, Department of Plant Pathology, College of Agriculture, JNKVV, Jabalpur (M.P.). The activity of pest complex namely Sciarid fly, Phorid fly, Cucujoid beetle, and Staphylinid beetle were recorded at spawn run stage, pin head stage and sporphore stage. Incidence of pest complex observed up to spawn run stage later on population is disappeared except Staphylinid beetle is noticed even at sporophore maturation stage. The relationship between pest population and weather parameters (maximum, minimum temperature, morning and evening relative humidity) were found non-significant during both seasons.
Yarra Gana Ram Teja, B Sundar, M Surya Prakash Reddy, Malempati Subash Sri Sanjay, AK Bhowmick. Studies on succession and population dynamics of insect pest complex of oyster mushroom. J Entomol Zool Stud 2021;9(1):859-863.