Seasonal dynamics of insect pests of cotton under high density planting systems (HDPS)
ASR Sarma, J Manjunath and N Kamakshi
Experiment conducted during kharif, 2017-18 at RARS, Nandyal with variety Suraj for the incidence of sucking pests revealed that on the test variety, the leafhopper population attained with two peaks with the first peak during the 35th standard meteorological week (SMW) with 16.2 leafhoppers /3 leaves and the second peak was observed during 48th SMW with 6.2 leafhoppers/ 3 leaves. Though the incidence of thrips, aphids and whitefly was there, they have not crossed Economic Threshold Level (ETL) during the cropping period. The incidence of Helicoverpa armigera and spotted bollworm(both E. vittella and E. insulana)in the field and in traps was negligible during the cropping period. The trap catches of Spodopteralitura were highest (20.00 moths/ trap/ week) during from 42nd std. week whereas the moth catches of pink bollworm started from 41st. std. week and were above ETL from 47th std. week till harvest of the crop with peak catches during 1st std. week of 2018 (39.00 moths/trap/week). The leafhopper population had significant and positive correlation with minimum temperature and with both relative humidity morning and evening. The moth catches (trap catches) of Spodoptera litura had a significant and positive correlation with relative humidity (evening) and rainfall whereas the trap catches of pink bollworm had a significant but negative correlation with minimum temperature and evening relative humidity.
ASR Sarma, J Manjunath, N Kamakshi. Seasonal dynamics of insect pests of cotton under high density planting systems (HDPS). J Entomol Zool Stud 2021;9(1):1040-1044.