Production and reproduction traits of indigenous cattle of Arunachal Pradesh
Marpi Kakki and G Zaman
A total of 810 lactation records pertaining to indigenous cattle of Arunachal Pradesh were utilized to study the effect of location and lactation order on production and reproduction characteristics. Lactation milk yield (LMY), lactation length (LL), peak yield (PY), days to attain peak yield (DAPY), dry period (DP) and inter calving period (ICP) were included in the present investigation. The data on production and reproduction characteristics were classified according to location, and parity of the animal. The means for lactation milk yield, lactation length, peak yield, days to attain peak yield, dry period and inter calving period were 296.71±0.80 kg, 239.51±0.48 days, 1.82±0.01kg, 35.97±0.07 days, 209.957 ± 0.742 days and 447.085 ± 0.702 days respectively. Location and lactation order had significant effect on all the production and reproduction characters, while location exerted highly significant (P<0.01) influence on LMY, LL and ICP.