Emergency medical management of urethral obstruction in a tom cat
N Premalatha, S Yogeshpriya, M Veeraselvam, M Saravanan, K Jayalakshmi and M Srikannan
Acute kidney injury (AKI) is one of the commonest reasons for nephrology consultation. A two and half year old tom cat was presented to Small Animal Medicine Referral Clinic of VCC, Veterinary College and Research Institute, Orathanadu with the history of anuria, inappetence, abdominal pain, dull and depression for past three days. There was no history of recurrent urinary tract infection. Clinical examination revealed enlargement of bladder and upon physical palpation pain evinced on left abdomen. Investigation involved haematology, serum biochemistry, radiology, ultrasonogram and urinary catheterization. Urine sample observed under microscope to rule out the biological cause for the blockage. Client education about feline stress and diet changes were utilised post-operatively.
N Premalatha, S Yogeshpriya, M Veeraselvam, M Saravanan, K Jayalakshmi, M Srikannan. Emergency medical management of urethral obstruction in a tom cat. J Entomol Zool Stud 2021;9(1):1146-1147.