Seasonal variation on the density of seaweed species from Veraval and Sikka coast, Gujarat
Shivani Pathak, Sona Dubey, Madhuri Sharma, Priti Mishra and SK Mahajan
The aim of the present study was to analyze the different group of seaweeds observed from Veraval and Sikka coast, Gujarat from September 2019 to February 2020, to understand their seaweeds density with relation to seasons. Seaweed density at Veraval and Sikka coasts has been studied for six months the using belt transect random sampling method. This sampling survey was selected to get an idea of seaweed density at the difference between two different locations and seasons. There were variations in density of marine macroalgae between sites and seasons with a total of 28 taxa of marine algae found at both sites. Among the two seasons, the percentage of green algal density (64.12%) was highest during post-monsoon season followed by pre-monsoon at the Veraval site than the Sikka sites because of the selected sites are often greatly complicated by rocks pools, cracks, and crevices. During the diversity survey, economically important species like Ulva lactuca, U. fasciata, Sargassum sp., and Caulerpa sp., were reported. Hence, it is recommended that the population density of the intertidal area of seaweed was more during the winter season and was most favorable for the growth of seaweeds while the summer season was the least favorable condition.
Shivani Pathak, Sona Dubey, Madhuri Sharma, Priti Mishra, SK Mahajan. Seasonal variation on the density of seaweed species from Veraval and Sikka coast, Gujarat. J Entomol Zool Stud 2021;9(1):1510-1515.