To study nesting of white-backed vultures (Gyps bengalensis) in Surendrangar and Bhavnagar districts of Gujarat, India
Mital Moradiya and Dr. AP Goswami
A total of 33 nests of White backed vulture were monitored in the Surendranagar and Bhavnagar district of Gujarat from July 2018 to December 2018. Nests were constructed on 4 different tree species including one commercially important species Cocos nucifera. Tree species which prefer by White-backed vulture for nesting in Surendranagar and Bhavnagar, suggested that the plantation of those species near feeding sites may facilitate to more nesting. All the nesting sites showed proximity to human habitation and water bodies. Surendranagar, Bhavnagar and its surrounding region is an important breeding area for the critically endangered White-backed vultures (Gyps bengalensis).
Mital Moradiya, Dr. AP Goswami. To study nesting of white-backed vultures (Gyps bengalensis) in Surendrangar and Bhavnagar districts of Gujarat, India. J Entomol Zool Stud 2021;9(1):1834-1837.