Estimation of the flower loss due to thrips (Megalurothrips usitatus) and grain loss due to tur pod bug (Clavigralla gibbosa) in pigeonpea crop
Umashankar, Prakhar Kumar Shrivastava, Sandeep Kumar and MA Alam
The present field experiment was conducted during Kharif season- 2016 at Research Farm, Department of Entomology, JNKVV, College of Agriculture, Rewa (M.P.) to study the estimation of flower loss by the thrips and grain loss by tur pod bug under the agro climatic condition of Rewa district. Flowers loss in pigeonpea due to thrips infestation under the changing climatic condition during kharif season- 2016 in Rewa district, occurred from 41 to 51standard weeks. Minimum 14.89% of flower shedding was noted in the treatment of Monocrotophos 36% SL followed by Triazophos 40% EC (14.99%) and the maximum (25.32%) flower shedding was measured in the untreated control. As regards the number of thrips in shed flowers it`s presence was from 41 to 51 standard weeks. The average highest number of thrips (3.37 per 10 flowers) was observed in untreated control and minimum (1.73 per 10 flowers) was observed in Monocrotophos 36% SL treated plot followed by Traizophos 40% EC (1.96 per10 flowers). The grain loss by tur pod bug was assessed by randomly selected 100 pods per plot found to the extent of 15.19%. However, treatment wise losses were observed between 5.17 to 8.10% with least in Monocrotophos 36% SL (5.17%) and maximum in Novaluron 10% EC (8.10%) as against 15.19% of the untreated control.
Umashankar, Prakhar Kumar Shrivastava, Sandeep Kumar, MA Alam. Estimation of the flower loss due to thrips (Megalurothrips usitatus) and grain loss due to tur pod bug (Clavigralla gibbosa) in pigeonpea crop. J Entomol Zool Stud 2021;9(1):1972-1976.