Transition in normal milk constituents during different seasons in red kandhari cows
AK Wankar, PM Kekan, SB Daware and VK Munde
The study was undertaken on fourteen adults lactating Red Kandhari cattle at Livestock Farm Complex, College of Veterinary & Animal Sciences, Parbhani to observe the effect of different seasons on normal milk components. All the procedures were approved by institutional animal ethics committee and animals were kept in identical managemental conditions. Milk was collected every fifteen days, while recording of environmental variables was scheduled at weekly intervals (14:00 hrs). Dry bulb temperature, wet bulb temperature and THI were maximum during summer, while wind speed was highest in winter as compared to other seasons (P<0.05). Milk fat decreased significantly (P<0.05) in the summer season, but no variation was recorded for SNF, protein, lactose and salt. Only wind speed was negatively correlated with all milk constituents, except for fat. The study indicates better adaptability, resiliency and optimum production performance of indigenous red kandhari cow, during different environmental conditions.
AK Wankar, PM Kekan, SB Daware, VK Munde. Transition in normal milk constituents during different seasons in red kandhari cows. J Entomol Zool Stud 2021;9(1):2064-2067.