Response of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, sulphur and zinc on nutrient concentration, uptake and quality of mustard crop
Susheel Gautam, Hanuman Prasad Pandey, RK Pathak, AK Sachan, US Tiwari, SB Pandey, Gaurav Pratap Singh, Vimal Singh and Shivam Pandey
A field experiment was conducted on Pot culture house of Department of Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry at Chandra Shekhar AzadUniversity of Agriculture and Technology, Kanpur during the rabi season 2016-17, In the present experiment 8 treatments T1 (Control), T2 (100% RDF), T3 (100% RDF+S30), T4 (100% RDF+Zn5), T5 (125% RDF), T6(125% RDF+S30 ), T7 (125% RDF+ S30 +Zn5), T8 (150% RDF), were laid out in Randomized Block Design (RBD) with four replication. Mustard variety Pusa Bold was taken for study. The results revealed that the nutrient concentration, uptake and quality characteristics of mustard respond significantly with the different treatment combination. The highest nutrient concentration was recorded with T8 (150% RDF), highest nutrient uptake and oil content (43.25%) was obtained in T7 (125% RDF+ S30 +Zn5). The treatment T7 was recorded 22.69% higher oil content over control treatment.