Seasonal incidence and management of leaf eating caterpillar, Catopsilia pyranthe (L) on Indian senna, Cassia angustifolia (Vahl)
RS Mali and BY Pawar
The research work on seasonal incidence and management of leaf eating caterpillar were conducted during kharif 2019 at the Farm of AICRP on MAP&B, MPKV, Rahuri. The studies on seasonal incidence of leaf eating caterpillar indicated that the incidence of leaf eating caterpillar was initiated from the last week of July (30th MW) and remained continuous up to first week of December (49th MW). The maximum population of eggs as well as larvae were observed during fourth week of October and reached its peak i.e. 26.4 larvae/plant. Thereafte, population declined gradually from 3rd week of November (47th MW) and remained up to 0.8% in first week of December (49th MW). As regards, the management of leaf eating caterpillar, all treatments were found to be effective against leaf eating caterpillar. The treatment T5 (Bt Bacillus thuringiensis @ 2ml / lit. water) proved to be significantly superior over all other treatment and found at par with treatment T3 Azadiractin 10000 ppm @ 2ml /lit. water.