An occurrence of avian malaria in domestic pigeons in Tamil Nadu, India
K Nagarajan, S Arunkumar, V Kumar and Ganne Venkata Sudhakar Rao
Plasmodium relictum is an invasive blood protozoan, which causes malaria in various species of birds worldwide and often leads to heavy mortality in naive birds. The aim of this study is to report the occurrence of P. relictum in the domestic pigeons with flock size of 150 birds and its gross pathological features in the various organs of the affected birds. Postmortem changes in dead birds showed enlargement and discoloration of the liver, serofibrinous pericarditis, hazy air sacs and swollen congested Kidneys. Organ impressions revealed various stages of P. relictum. This study concludes the first report of occurrence of P. relictum in domestic pigeons of Tamil Nadu.
K Nagarajan, S Arunkumar, V Kumar, Ganne Venkata Sudhakar Rao. An occurrence of avian malaria in domestic pigeons in Tamil Nadu, India. J Entomol Zool Stud 2021;9(1):2285-2288.