The polymerase chain reaction techniques (PCR-RFLP and ARMS-PCR) were used for amplification of DNA fragments specific to milk protein loci in 107 Sahiwal cattle maintain at NDRI, Karnal. In the Sahiwal population, the frequency of κ-casein allele A (0.88±0.02) was observed predominantly than the B allele (0.12±0.02). The allele A (0.98±0.01) of β-casein was found in a higher frequency than the B allele (0.02±0.01) in the population. The A allele (0.61±0.04) was found in a higher frequency than B (0.39±0.04) in αS1-casein gene. Among two alleles observed in α-lactalbumin locus, B allele (0.89±0.02) was found in higher frequency than A allele (0.11±0.02). In the β-lactoglobulin locus, B allele (0.84±0.02) was found predominantly than A allele (0.16±0.02). The observed homozygosity and heterozygosity of the milk proteins loci in the population were within the Hardy-Weinberg expectation as revealed by the chi-square value.