Assessment of genetic variability in Murrah, Bhadawari and Nili-Ravi buffalo breeds of India by RAPD markers
Anand Kumar, RA Siddique, ML Sangwan and Dr. Minakshi
The present study was conducted for breed characterization and genetic diversity within and between Murrah, Bhadawari and Nili-Ravi breeds by RAPD-PCR. Genomic DNA was isolated from 20 unrelated animals of each breed. Out of 40 random primers of operon series OPU and OPV, only ten were found informative and were used further for amplification of genomic DNA. From the amplification profile of these primers values of band frequency, genetic distance, genetic similarity, band sharing frequency, average percentage difference and mean average percentage difference was calculated from ten random primers. A total of 188 bands were amplified between as in three breeds and out of these 112 were polymorphic (59.57%). In Murrah, Bhadawari and Nili-Ravi overall polymorphism of 65.51, 63.49 and 53.44 percent were observed respectively. Higher genetic similarities of 0.84, 0.77 and 0.70 in Murrah, Bhadawari and Nili-Ravi were observed respectively. Mean Average Percentage Difference (MAPD) values of 11.41, 13.62 and 18.53 were observed in Murrah, Bhadawari and Nili-Ravi. MAPD values of 69.0, 67.0 and 40.0 were observed between Bhadawari and Nili-Ravi, Bhadawari and Murrah and Murrah and Nili-Ravi respectively. These values indicated the higher genetic diversity between breeds. Therefore, RAPD-PCR plays an important tool in species identification, speciation and breed identification as well as phylogeny analysis.
Anand Kumar, RA Siddique, ML Sangwan, Dr. Minakshi. Assessment of genetic variability in Murrah, Bhadawari and Nili-Ravi buffalo breeds of India by RAPD markers. J Entomol Zool Stud 2021;9(2):399-403. DOI: 10.22271/j.ento.2021.v9.i2f.8510