Present study was conducted to investigate effect of Zinc supplementation on physiological and oxidative stress status of Karan Fries (KF) cows during heat stress condition. Cows were categorized as Control, T1 and T2 group having 6 animals each. Cows of control group were fed basal diet whereas T1 and T2 group were supplemented with 80 ppm and 120 ppm Zn, respectively along with basal diet from 45 days pre-partum to 45 days post-partum. Physiological parameters viz. rectal temperature, respiration rate, pulse rate and skin temperature were recorded fortnightly. Blood samples were collected fortnightly for estimation of levels of plasma Zn and oxidative stress parameters viz. superoxide dismutase and total anti-oxidant activity. THI indicated that all three groups of cows experienced heat stress during study period. Plasma Zn level was significantly (p<0.05) higher in supplemented group and no significant effect of Zn supplementation on physiological parameters was observed. SOD activity and total anti-oxidant capacity was significantly (p<0.05) higher in supplemented groups. It can be concluded that KF cows could cope efficiently with heat stress by releasing more antioxidant when supplemented with dietary Zn.