Efficacy of some medicinal plant oils against tobacco caterpillar, Spodoptera litura F. on cabbage
Rashmirekha Singh, Kamal Ravi Sharma and NN Singh
An experiment was carried out under field conditions at the Vegetable Research Farm, Institute of Agricultural Sciences, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi during Rabi seasons of 2016-17, to evaluate the bio-efficacy of eight essential oils along with one insecticide against, Spodoptera litura (F.) and their impact on cabbage yield. Among the different treatments Pogostemon cablin oil was most effective against Tobacco caterpillar which was followed by Curcuma longa oil, Ocimum basilicum var. surabhi oil, Cymbopogon citrates oil, O. basilicum × O. tenuiflorum oil, Cymbopogon martini oil, Ocimum basilicum var. Saumya, Acephate 75 SP and Mentha sp. oil, respectively. The difference in their effectiveness was statistically significant. Whereas, Mentha sp. oil recorded the lowest efficacy compared with rest of treatments it was also significantly superior over control. The effect of Cymbopogon citrates i.e. Citronella oil on cabbage yield was found superior over rest of the treatments. This may be due to the effectiveness of C. citrates against other important insect pests of cabbage, whereas the performances of C. martini oil, P. cablin oil and O. basilicum var. saumya oil were also very good like the performance of C. citrates oil. The economics (Benefit: Cost ratio) of various treatments applied for management of Spodoptera litura were also calculated in which maximum B : C ratio was found with C. martini oil (31.27:1) followed by C. citrates oil (28.86:1) and P. cablin oil (27.69:1) and the least B:C ratio was found in Mentha sp. oil (17.70:1).
Rashmirekha Singh, Kamal Ravi Sharma, NN Singh. Efficacy of some medicinal plant oils against tobacco caterpillar, Spodoptera litura F. on cabbage. J Entomol Zool Stud 2021;9(2):655-659.