Effect of environmental factors on lower respiratory tract diseases in 65 horses
GS Ubhare, RV Suryawanshi, AH Ulemale, AB Mali, UM Tumlam and PB Chougale
The clinical study was carried out in the 65 horses aged between 1 month to 12 years having history of chronic respiratory symptoms. The aim of this study was to diagnose lower respiratory tract diseases and to study the relation of environmental factors for development of diseases. The results included the horses which were stabled in the moderate to good ventilation were having diseases like pulmonary abscess and recurrent airway disease but the horses having poor ventilation developed bacterial pneumonia, pulmonary abscess, recurrent airway disease, inflammatory airway disease and pulmonary consolidation. The effect of bedding material along with the environment during which the study was carried was also recorded. Thus, the indirect relationship exists between bedding material, ventilation status and season on lower respiratory tract diseases.