Bio-efficacy of bio-pesticides, botanicals and new molecules of insecticides against thrips on tomato
Shruthi CR, Narabenchi GB, Asokan R, Patil HB, Nadaf AM and Amrutha S Bhat
A field trial was conducted during 2016 at Haveli farm, Bagalkot to evaluate the efficacy of different biopesticides, botanicals and new molecules of insecticides against thrips and GBNV disease incidence on tomato. Among the different insecticides evaluated, thiamethoxam 25WG @ 0.20 g/l and diafenthiuron 50 WP @ 1.25 g/l were found to be superior in reducing both thrips population and GBNV disease incidence as compared to other insecticides tested. Among the botanicals and bio-pesticides evaluated, azadiractin 10,000 ppm @ 1.00 ml/l and Lecanicillium lecanii (2×108 cfu/g) @ 2.00 g/l were found to be effective.
Shruthi CR, Narabenchi GB, Asokan R, Patil HB, Nadaf AM, Amrutha S Bhat. Bio-efficacy of bio-pesticides, botanicals and new molecules of insecticides against thrips on tomato. J Entomol Zool Stud 2021;9(2):1268-1275.