Population dynamics of Earias vittella and Helicoverpa armigera of okra
Sonawane ST, Patil BV, Suradkar AL and Shelar DR
The shoot and fruit borer, Earias vittella first time observed in 41th SMW recorded 0.4 larvae/ plant thereafter it was build up continuously and reached its peak level in 41 SMW noted 5.2 larvae/ plant. The infestation of fruit borer, Helicoverpa. armigera noticed from 33 SMW to 43 SMW i.e. up-to last picking and the peak level of fruit borer reached in 39 SMW and observed 1.6 larvae/ plant. Weather parameters viz, maximum temperature showed positive non-significant correlation with both borers, minimum temperature showed negative significantcorrelation in E. vittella and non-significant in H. armigera, morning relative humidity exhibited negative non-significant correlation with E. vittella and positive non-significant with H. armigera. While rainfall expressed negative non-significant correlation with both borers.
Sonawane ST, Patil BV, Suradkar AL, Shelar DR. Population dynamics of Earias vittella and Helicoverpa armigera of okra. J Entomol Zool Stud 2021;9(2):1343-1345.