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Journal of Entomology and Zoology Studies
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P-ISSN: 2349-6800, E-ISSN: 2320-7078

Journal of Entomology and Zoology Studies

2021, Vol. 9, Issue 2
Qualitative and quantitative estimation of insect pests and their natural enemies on onion crop in Malwa region of Madhya Pradesh

Mahendra Bele, MA Alam, Sunil Silavat, Lokendra Jatav, Monika Choudhary and Subhash

The experiment entitled qualitative and quantitative estimation of insect pests and their natural enemies on onion crop in Malwa region of Madhya Pradesh conducted during Rabi 2018- 2019 and 2019 - 2020 in the department of Entomology of School of agriculture at Dr. B.R. Ambedkar University of social science Mhow Indore (M.P.). In quantitative and qualitative estimation of pests and their natural enemies on onion crop the qualitative estimation (incidence of insect pest) of pests on onion crop during Rabi 2018 -19 and 2019 - 2020 is presented in Table 1. It is conspicuous from it that the crop was infested by various insect pests in deferent intensity and at a different interval of time during the crop growth. Among all the infesting insects, Thrips {Thrips tabaci, Oder- Thysanoptera, Family- Thripidae}, Pod borer {Helicoverpa armigera (Hb.), Oder-Lepidoptera: Family-Noctuidae}, Tobacco caterpillar {Spodoptera litura, Order- Lepidoptera: Family Noctuidae} and cutworm {(Agrotis ipsilon) Order- Lepidoptera: Family- Noctuidae} were observed.
Quantitative Estimation of insect pest the mean population of onion thrips maximum population 4.74 N & A/ plant and minimum population 2.68 N & A / plant was noted. Pod borer (H. armigera) peak infestation 0.64 larva/pant. The lowest population (0.06 larva/ plant) was noted. Tobacco caterpillar (S. litura) The rang of pest intensity on the crop varied from 0.38 to 0.56 larva/plant. The average population of the pest persisted during the entire crop period was 0.33 larva/ plant. On the basis of two years study carried out in. Rabi 2018-19 and 2019 ; {Thrips tabaci (Lin.)}, Pod borer {Helicoverpa armigera) (Hb.)} , Tobacco caterpillar {Spdoptera litura (Fabri.)}, Cutworm {Agrotis ipsilon) (Huf.)} were recoded as the key /major pests . While among the natural enemies presence of lady bird beetle species Coccinella septempunctata, (Coleoptera: Coccinelliiae), Dragonfly (Cordulegaster Sp.) {Odonata; Eugerpteridae), praying mantis {Gongylus gongyloides, Mantodea : Enpusidae}, Chrysopa {Chrysoperla carnea Stephens, Neuroptera : Chryopidae}, registered their presence in the crop- ecosystem.
Pages : 1398-1402 | 783 Views | 315 Downloads

Journal of Entomology and Zoology Studies Journal of Entomology and Zoology Studies
How to cite this article:
Mahendra Bele, MA Alam, Sunil Silavat, Lokendra Jatav, Monika Choudhary, Subhash. Qualitative and quantitative estimation of insect pests and their natural enemies on onion crop in Malwa region of Madhya Pradesh. J Entomol Zool Stud 2021;9(2):1398-1402. DOI: 10.22271/j.ento.2021.v9.i2q.8648

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