Awareness and knowledge of fall armyworm pest amongst maize growers in Dhule district
Dr. Sandip D Patil and Dr. Avinash B Gaikwad
The Fall Armyworm (Spodoptera frugiperda), FAW has high capacity of biological and ecological adaptation. FAW can survive on more than 80 plant species, including maize. This paper attempts to explore the awareness and knowledge of recommended package of practices regarding FAW amongst the Maize growers of Shirpur, Sakri and Dhule Tehsils of Dhule district of Maharashtra in India. The findings of the study revealed that, majority of the respondents were educated, economically sound and uses mass media to good extent. Besides this there was a huge gap between expected and actual knowledge regarding the control measures used to control FAW of the maize growers. Therefore, State Agriculture Universities should give recent information about knowledge of FAW and imparts skill amongst farmers through trainings and method demonstration. Also State Agriculture Department should promotes and start Farmers Field School (FFS) regarding FAW on Maize.
Dr. Sandip D Patil, Dr. Avinash B Gaikwad. Awareness and knowledge of fall armyworm pest amongst maize growers in Dhule district. J Entomol Zool Stud 2021;9(2):122-126.