Assessment of the health status of wild ungulate based on body condition evaluation technique in Manipur zoological Garden, Iroisemba, Manipur (India)
Tokpam Rohit Meetei, Somnath Sen and Ayekpam Lanngamba Meitei
There are many methods for evaluating the health condition of the ungulate species where body condition scoring is one such method under veterinary and wildlife morphometrics, which help to evaluate and judge the animals physical appearance condition based on visual examination of the degree of protuberance of bony processes on the body surface and condition of the skin. The present study is carried out in Manipur Zoological Garden to assess the health condition of six ungulate species by body condition evaluation technique from a safe distance without much disturbance to them. Ungulates are then graded as good (0-5), average (6-8) and poor (9-12) body condition by using point scale based on their body appearances. Total 114 ungulates body condition are evaluated and reported that maximum (42.98%) ungulates are in average body condition, followed by (36.84%) in good and (20.18%) in bad body condition. The higher number of ungulate species per enclosure can lead to the declined of body condition appearance and lack of fodder species inside the enclosure can also lead to it. Minimizing the numbers to the optimal number and planting of fodder species around the paddock can help in improving the body appearance of the ungulates.
Tokpam Rohit Meetei, Somnath Sen, Ayekpam Lanngamba Meitei. Assessment of the health status of wild ungulate based on body condition evaluation technique in Manipur zoological Garden, Iroisemba, Manipur (India). J Entomol Zool Stud 2021;9(4):210-213.