Population dynamics of mulberry leaf roller, Diaphaniapulverulentalis (Hampson) (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae)
Sunil Kumar T, Ramakrishna Naika and Nithya BN
The quantity as well as quality of mulberry leaf and subsequent production of quality silk is greaterly hampered due to the incidence of various insect pests. The present study was aimed to analyse, the population dynamics of leaf roller, Diaphania pulverulentalis (Hampson) a key seasonal defoliating pest of mulberry. The results indicated that maximum population buildup of this pest was recorded during September to November of 2017 with the incidence range of 30.30 per cent to 34.07 per cent and June to July of 2018 with the incidence range of 31.26 per cent to 38.15 per cent. Correlation study indicated that, there is a linear relationship between the decreased in atmospheric temperature and increased relative humidity coinciding with increased pest population. Significant negative correlation was observed between maximum temperature and pest infestation. All other abiotic and biotic factors exhibited a positive correlation with the incidence of leaf roller.