Dynamics of rice insects (Oryza spp.) according to the phenological stage in Daloa (Côte d’Ivoire)
Senan Soro, N’guessan Lucie Yeboue, Sibirina Soro and Kassoum Coulibaly
In Côte d’Ivoire, rice is the most consumed cereal. Shallow cultivation of rice in the Haut Sassandra is hindered by insects pests. The objective of this study was to establish a list of rice entomofauna, with a particular interest on insects pests. “Colourful traps”, “light traps” and “sweeps net” were used to collect insects every two days during the two weeks of experimentation in the course of each phenological stage of rice. The results show that species vary in abundance and diversity at different phenological stages of the plant. In total, 2743 insects were collected, which belonging to 84 genera divided to 60 families and 10 orders (Lepidoptera, Orthoptera, Coleoptera and Hymenoptera etc). Diptera are the most important with 1240 species. This represent about 45.20% of the total insects. The Isoptera are the lest important order with not more than 0.36% of the species collected.