Investigations into prevalence of Paramphistomum cervi infections of ruminants in Abia State, Nigeria
Azoro Agaezi Vivian
Between December and May 2020 regular examinations of ruminants slaughtered in 3 abattoirs randomly selected from Umunneochi Local Government Area of Abia State revealed the prevalence of acute paramphistomiasis. Of the 175 cattle (Bovis sp.); 234 goats (Capra sp.) and 98 sheep (Ovis sp.) examined, 37 (21.14%) of the cattle; 58 (24.79%) of the goats and 13 (13.27%) of the sheep had serious infections with Paramphiostomum cervi. The prevalence rates however, vary between 3.64% to 35.48% in (cattle); 7.14% to 36.44% (goats); and 0% to 18.75% (sheep) in the various abattoirs. The sex showed no significance relationship with the infections, age was found to be highly significant (p<0.01). Older animals have more infections than the younger ones. Highest infection rate was recorded in the rainy and early dry seasons. Bolinus b forsake was also found to be the snail hosts of the larvae of P. cervi in the study area.
Azoro Agaezi Vivian. Investigations into prevalence of Paramphistomum cervi infections of ruminants in Abia State, Nigeria. J Entomol Zool Stud 2021;9(4):102-105.