Incidence of various insect pests and their seasonal history on chilli crop in Malwa region
Lokendra Jatav, MA Alam, Mahendra Bele and Sunil Silavat
The experiment entitled Incidence of various insect pests and their seasonal History on chilli crop in Malva region of Madhya Pradesh conducted during Rabi 2018-2019 and 2019 -2020 in the department of Entomology of School of agriculture at Dr. B.R. Ambedkar University of social science Mhow Indore (M.P.). during the year of 2018 - 2019 & 2019 - 2020, the data on thrips and mites population and per cent white fly, jassids and aphids infestation under field condition along with weather parameters viz., temperature (Maximum and minimum), relative humidity and rainfall are given in Observations recorded on thrips population revealed that activity of thrips started from second week of July (21SW) and continued up to the crop termination i.e. last second week of December. The maximum thrips population (6.77) was recorded. The observation recorded on mites population revealed that activity of mites started from second week of July (21 SW) and continued up to the crop termination i.e. last second week of December. The maximum mites population (5.45) was recorded. The maximum whitefly population (5.22) was recorded in 3rd week of August (25 SW) when maximum and minimum temperature and humidity respectively. The maximum aphid population (4.53) was recorded in 3rd week of August (26 SW) when maximum and minimum temperature and humidity respectively. The maximum jassid population (3.87) was recorded in 3rd week of August (38 SW) when maximum and minimum temperature and humidity respectively. The leaf curl infestation of 9.2 per cent was first observed in third week of July (21 SW), which increased gradually and reached a maximum of 23.00 per cent in the 8th week after transplanting during 28th SW, when the maximum and minimum temperature and relative humidity were recorded respectively.
Lokendra Jatav, MA Alam, Mahendra Bele, Sunil Silavat. Incidence of various insect pests and their seasonal history on chilli crop in Malwa region. J Entomol Zool Stud 2021;9(4):366-370. DOI: 10.22271/j.ento.2021.v9.i4e.8803