Diagnosis and therapeutic management of psoroptic mange in large white Yorkshire piglets: A case report
Aruna Maramulla, Dr. Padmaja Katta, Ambica Gadige and Ramesh Keshamoni
Mange is a contagious skin disease affecting various groups of animals. Psoroptic mange is a severe skin infectious condition of farm animals; it is highly contagious and is responsible for huge economic losses in many farm animals in form of cost of treatment and reduced skin and meat quality. 90 days old Large White Yorkshire weaned piglets of piggery unit of Instructional Livestock Farm Complex, College of veterinary science, Rajendra Nagar, Hyderabad was presented with the history of severe rubbing of the skin against the sides of the pen, Erythematous lesion all over body, hair loss and weakness. The clinical lesion of alopecia, superficial skin fissures and crusts were observed around dorsal region, flank region, both hind legs, eyes, nose and ears. Skin scrapings were collected and processed by 10% KOH digestion method. Skin scraping examination revealed presence of psoroptic mite. The affected pigs were treated with two doses of Ivermectin @200 µg/kg body weight at weekly interval, cefpodoxime @10mg/ kg body weight once in a day for 5days, chlorpheniramine @0.5mg/kg body weight for 3 days along with topical application of povidone iodine once in a day and Ascabiol lotion twice in a week for one week. After treatment, piglets completely recovered from psoroptic mange and the parasitological examination of skin scraping revealed absence of eggs and mites. Hence, the treatment given was effective against psoroptic mange in piglets.
Aruna Maramulla, Dr. Padmaja Katta, Ambica Gadige, Ramesh Keshamoni. Diagnosis and therapeutic management of psoroptic mange in large white Yorkshire piglets: A case report. J Entomol Zool Stud 2021;9(5):285-287.