Constraints and challenges of silkworm seed production in North West Bengal
Abhilash PL, Sanjit Sarkar, MK Ghosh and K Sashindran Nair
Sericulture is an agro-based cottage industry. Availability of quality seed cocoons is a detrimental factor for the production Disease Free Layings (DFLs), hence stringent selection criteria is followed as per the norms for the purchase of seed cocoons from the Adopted Seed Rearers (ASRs). Superior quality mulberry leaves, proper knowledge in rearing and disease management are quintessential for the success of a P1 crop. In North West Bengal, production of superior quality seed cocoons is very much challenging due to extreme climatic fluctuations in different seasons. The present study unravels the constraints facing by ASRs of North West Bengal for the generation of quality seed cocoons.
Abhilash PL, Sanjit Sarkar, MK Ghosh, K Sashindran Nair. Constraints and challenges of silkworm seed production in North West Bengal. J Entomol Zool Stud 2021;9(5):377-379.