Use of cortical screw for arthrodesis of tibiotarsal joint luxation in dogs
Jyothi Shree S, KM Srinivasa Murthy, BN Nagaraja and V Mahesh
The objective of the present research was to study the efficacy of cortical screws for inducing arthrodesis in dogs with tibiotarsal luxation. The study was conducted in six clinical cases of dogs with tibiotarsal luxation presented to the Department of Veterinary Surgery and Radiology, with a complaint of hindlimb lameness. The dogs with tibiotarsal luxation showed non-weight bearing lameness, severe pain, swelling and laxity of joint. The luxation of joint was confirmed by radiograph. The affected joints were subjected for arthrodesis using cortical screw and immobilized with Robert Jones bandage reinforced with metal splints for a period of four weeks. Radiographic evaluation revealed bony union of the treated joints by 45 to 60th postoperative day. By the end of the study period four dogs showed normal weight bearing pattern and two dogs showed partial weight bearing. Hence, arthrodesis of tibiotarsal joint using cortical screw was effective for stabilizing the joint, which was simple to perform, less expensive, does not need expensive equipments for surgical procedure and requires minimal postoperative care.
Jyothi Shree S, KM Srinivasa Murthy, BN Nagaraja, V Mahesh. Use of cortical screw for arthrodesis of tibiotarsal joint luxation in dogs. J Entomol Zool Stud 2021;9(5):439-441.