Management of cerambycid wood borer, Celosterna scabrator Fab. In grape vines
Apurva Laxmi, Sunitha ND, Chavan SS and Kushal
Experiment was conducted in the grape orchard of Vijayapura district to evaluate the effect of different insecticides for the management of Cerambycid wood borer, Celosterna scabrator Fab. (Coleoptera). The treatments included soil application of chlorantraniliprole 0.4 G @ 15.00 g/vine and fipronil 80 WG @ 15.00 g/vine, stem injection of aluminium phosphide @ 2.00 g/vine, dichlorovas 76 EC @ 80 ml/lt and Metarhizium anisopliae (1x109 cfu/ml) @ 2.00 ml/lit and soil drenching of thiamethoxam 25 WG @ 1.5 g/lt + cartap hydrochloride 4 G @ 1.5 g/lt. Among the treatments imposed, stem injection with dichlorovas 76 EC @ 80 ml/lt and aluminium phosphide @ 2 g/vine were found significantly superior with 100 per cent and 93.33 per cent reduction in C. scabrator live tunnels. Highest C:B ratio was recorded in stem injection of aluminium phosphide @ 2 g/vine (1:3.70) followed by soil application of chlorantraniliprole 0.4 G @15.00 g/vine (1:3.30).