Mass covaries with volume in forest millipedes Centrobolus Cook, 1897
Mark Cooper
The size of Juliformia has two main components, body diameter and the number of rings. Other components include mass and volume. Mean male and female mass (g) and volume (mm3) were recorded in four species of Centrobolus and tested for correlations with volume. Centrobolus range in mass from C. ruber males (1.28g) to C. inscriptus females (2.61g). Adult body volumes (1,774.75±425.146mm3) were positively correlated to mass (1.99±0.49g) (r=0.92, Z score=3.52, n=8, 8, p<0.01). Correlates of Juliform size include copulations duration, diet, the energetic cost of copulation, oxygen consumption, precipitation, sexual size dimorphism, temperature, and urbanization.