An overview of physiological role of phytochemicals in insect pests-implications for pest management
Medhini N, Karthik V Rao and Manjulakumari Doddamane
The insect-plant interactions entail several intricate processes involving ecological, physiological, biochemical and behavioural aspects wherein the secondary metabolites play a pivotal role. Flavonoids especially pectolinaringen in isolated from Clerodendrum plomidis exhibited strong ovicidal activity against Earias vittella. Mono terpenes like pulegone from Mentha pulegium and resins from conifers have toxic as well as insect feeding deterrence against bark beetles. Digestive enzyme inhibitors are proteins that block the normal digestion and absorption of nutrients by vertebrate and invertebrate herbivores. Oviposition deterrent effect has been exhibited by Pierirapae when fed upon cardenolides from Erysimum cheiranthoides rapae, and the active compounds were identified as strophanthidin glycosides.
Medhini N, Karthik V Rao, Manjulakumari Doddamane. An overview of physiological role of phytochemicals in insect pests-implications for pest management. J Entomol Zool Stud 2021;9(6):286-294.