Natural botanical extractive as Biopotential Antifeedant against Diamondback moth, Plutella xylostella Linnaeus (Lepidoptera: Plutellidae)
BS Chandel and Indrani Dubey
A laboratory trial was conducted to assess the insect-pest rejected compatibility of six ecofrindly botanical alcoholic extracts viz., Azadirachta indica A. Juss., Adhatoda vasica Nees. Curcuma domestica Val. Lantana camara Linn., Ricinus communis Linn. and Vitex nugendo Linn. With control (untreated) were tested to find out their comparative antifeedant effects were worked against third instars larvae of Diamondback moth, Plutella xylostella Linn. It is evident that V. nugendo was more effective and Lantana camara, the least. On the basis of their order of merit and EC50 values result is summarized as under viz., V. negundo (0.1155) >Azadirachta indica (0.1380) > Adhatoda vasica (0.2055) > Ricinus communis (0.2399) > Curcuma domestica (0.2974) >Lantana camara (0.4432)and the order of merit being : 1.000 > 1.194 > 1.779 > 2.077 > 2.574 > 3.837, times less protective, respectively as V. negendo taken as unit. It is evident that Vitex nugendo Linn. was more effective and Lantana camara, the least.