A new species of the genus Kalidasa lantern bug (Hemiptera, Fulgoridae) from Ailanthus excelsa Roxb. In Tamil Nadu, India
Natchiappan Senthilkumar
A new species of the Genus Kalidasa Kirkaldy, 1900 (Fulgoridae: Hemiptera) as Kalidasa mythiliae sp. nov. İnfesting Ailanthus excelsa trees as sucking insect pest collected from Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu is described with morphological characteristics of the other five species reported. A key to identify the species of the Genus, Kalidasa of India has been provided.
Natchiappan Senthilkumar. A new species of the genus Kalidasa lantern bug (Hemiptera, Fulgoridae) from Ailanthus excelsa Roxb. In Tamil Nadu, India. J Entomol Zool Stud 2022;10(5):106-109. DOI: 10.22271/j.ento.2022.v10.i5b.9039