Detection of fungi in stored maize grain: Isolation, identification and characterisation in Birnin Kebbi, Nigeria
BJ Danjumma, DN Peni, M Yusuf and AG Benedict
The study isolate, identified and characterized fungi associated with spoilage of store maize grains in Birnin Kebbi. Two maize varieties were used samar 37VA and samar 37B. The two samples were collected from the store for isolation and identification of fungi associated with maize grain spoilage. Pour plate method were used in the enumeration of fungi which showed that fungi count was found on samar 37 VA washed maize had 4+ 0.00 to 8+ 1.11 and unwashed samar 37 VA had 7.00+1.00 to 10+ 3.00. Pure colonies on PDA agar plate were identified base on the morphological characteristics. Twenty nine (29) fungi isolates were identified and belong to three (3) genera i.e Aspergillus species. Rhizopus species and Penicillium species. Inferential statistics were used (Frequency and percentage). Aspergillus species had 13(44.83), Rhizopus species 11(37.93), Penicillium species 5 (17.24). Aspergillus sp. Were the most frequent fungi isolated. From the study it showed that maize grain are affected by fungi under various treatment factors. Therefore there is the need to further study the biochemical and molecular properties of the fungi isolated and to screen the fungi isolated for cellulolytic properties.
BJ Danjumma, DN Peni, M Yusuf, AG Benedict. Detection of fungi in stored maize grain: Isolation, identification and characterisation in Birnin Kebbi, Nigeria. J Entomol Zool Stud 2022;10(5):35-38. DOI: 10.22271/j.ento.2022.v10.i5a.9049