A comparative study on different types of eco-friendly mosquito traps for surveillance and management
Raju Kushwah and OP Agrawal
Mosquitoes are the most important among all the arthropod vectors that cause human disease in tropical conditions. In order to reduce the mosquito nuisance and the risk of diseases caused by them, it is essential to reduce the mosquito population. Mosquito traps are very useful devices for the surveillance and management of mosquito vectors. It works on the attraction behavior of insects. An ultraviolet or fluorescent light is fitted into the trap for the attraction of mosquitoes. The attracted mosquitoes are killed by a vacuum created by a small exhaust fan. The system does not involve any hazardous chemicals and is perfectly eco-friendly; however, its use has been neglected in India. In the present study, four different types of mosquito traps were procured from online marketing. All the mosquito traps were placed in the animal house of school of studies in zoology, Jiwaji University, Gwalior. Out of total insects trapped, the percentage of mosquitoes was 68 % in the terminator-I, 84% in the terminator-II, 70% in mozziquite, and 38% in the UV LED light-based trap within 6 months. According to device specification and insect trapping, the terminator-II (All Iinn mosquito trap) was found to be comparatively more effective for surveillance and control of mosquitoes.
Raju Kushwah, OP Agrawal. A comparative study on different types of eco-friendly mosquito traps for surveillance and management. J Entomol Zool Stud 2022;10(6):125-130. DOI: 10.22271/j.ento.2022.v10.i6b.9100