Different artificial methods for rearing queen of Apis mellifera
Fazlah Wahid, Braj Kishor Prasad Singh and Siva Nand Singh
Artificial honeybee queen bee rearing is an important part of beekeeping because it helps to re-queen bee colonies on a regular basis, reduces swarming, increases honey production, increases number of colony. The study aim to determine the success rate of emergence of queen bee from artificially grafted larvae in various queen cup sizes, grafting of larvae in concentrated and diluted condition and grafting of larvae in the colonies with and without queen bee. The success of grafted larvae in general, sealing of larvae and emergence of queen bee was 70-73%, 53-61% and 37-41% respectively. The rate of successful grafted larvae, sealing of larvae and emergence of queen bee in dry condition was 58.8%, 46.8% and 44.3% respectively. In wet grafting 76.4%, 70.9% and 51.7% acceptance, sealing and emergence of queen bee respectively. Similarly, more queen bee were emerged from colonies without queen bee than colonies with queen bee conditions. It was found that the success of grafting did not affected by different grafting queen bee cup sizes. Emergence of queen bee was more in wet grafting and grafting of larvae in queen bee less colonies.