Efficacy of Centella asiatica (Beng Saag) on hemato-biochemical and oxidative stress due to gastro enteritis in pups
Lovelin Shweta Xaxa and Praveen Kumar
Canine parvo virus is an important and potentially contagious disease in India, caused byCanine parvo virus belonging to parvoviridae family. Research was conducted to study the hemato-biochemical and oxidative changes in pups treated with Centella asiatica. Twelve pups positive for CPV were selected for the study. Diagnosis of gastroenteritis of parvo virus was made on the basis of history, clinical signs, clinical examination and ELISA test. Twelve selected individuals were randomly divided into 2 groups viz. T1 and T2. The clinical signs were recorded and blood samples were subjected to estimation of hemato-biochemical and oxidative stress parameters on day 0, 3, 5, 7, 10 and 15 from both groups. The haematological evaluation revealed improved values from 7 days onwards in the T1 group. Serum biochemistry revealed decreased value of alkaline phosphatase, alanine aminotransferase as well as increase in albumin and total protein values. Oxidative stress parameters R-GSH and LPO were markedly decreased while SOD increased after oral administation of Centella asiatica @ 10mg/kg body weight.
Lovelin Shweta Xaxa, Praveen Kumar. Efficacy of Centella asiatica (Beng Saag) on hemato-biochemical and oxidative stress due to gastro enteritis in pups. J Entomol Zool Stud 2020;8(2S):49-54.