Growth performance of local Pig of Jharkhand under different management systems
Pawan Kumar Verma, Ravindra Kumar, S Shekhar and Sushil Prasad
Pig rearing is one of the most important occupations of rural poor farmers and weaker sections of the society. Jharkhand is one of the leading states in the country where piggery has been accepted by rural people as remunerative enterprises. The study was undertaken in the three district of Jharkhand state viz, Ranchi, Dumka and Simdega. All the animals under study were local pigs reared by the local people in the study areas. A total of 90 Household rearing local pigs of different age group were selected and interviewed on the basis of questionnaire prepared. The average body weights of the local pigs of Ranchi, Dumka and Simdega districts at age groups of 0 day, 2nd month, 3rd month, and 4th months were found to be 0.51±6.20, 3.75±0.22, 4.95±0.36 and 6.60±0.40; 0.45±5.60, 2.82±0.10, 3.80±0.30and 5.20±0.40; and 0.42±7.1, 3.19±0.17, 3.80±0.29and 5.60±0.43, respectively. No significant effect of housing system on growth performance of local pigs was observed. However, better growth performance was observed under semi- intensive system of management followed by intensive and scavenging system.
Pawan Kumar Verma, Ravindra Kumar, S Shekhar, Sushil Prasad. Growth performance of local Pig of Jharkhand under different management systems. J Entomol Zool Stud 2020;8(2S):101-102.