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Journal of Entomology and Zoology Studies
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P-ISSN: 2349-6800, E-ISSN: 2320-7078

Journal of Entomology and Zoology Studies

2020, Vol. 8, Special Issue 3
A review: Development of bovine mammary glandular structure in immuno-deficient mice and expression profiling of morphogenesis related genes

Satheesh Kumar P, Karthiga S, Anandasekaran G and Govind Yadav

Raising Indian population leads to increases the future demand of protein for consumption. Especially milk protein demand growing annually, there has been increased activity in the research field of dairy production. But other side frequent outbreaks of diseases, vaccine failures and drug resistances developed against diseases in dairy animals which are the barriers to the meet out of future protein demand. So, want to increase the research activities in the field of drug discovery and development is very important now. But there has been no increasing activity in the new drug research due to practical difficulties in use live cattle for laboratory researches and preclinical studies. It is very easy when using laboratory animals like rodents for new drug development as well as the production of milk related research, as compared with live cattle. There is more attention need to develop a bovine mammary gland structure in laboratory mouse for bovine mammary gland related studies. In India, still we were lagging to develop such a mouse model. Therefore, in this review our prime objective of discussion is how to developing bovine mammary gland in mouse model.
Pages : 12-15 | 1163 Views | 214 Downloads
How to cite this article:
Satheesh Kumar P, Karthiga S, Anandasekaran G, Govind Yadav. A review: Development of bovine mammary glandular structure in immuno-deficient mice and expression profiling of morphogenesis related genes. J Entomol Zool Stud 2020;8(3S):12-15.

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