The aim of the present investigation was to study the effect of bypass fat on production parameters (milk yield and milk fat percentage). A total of 40 advance pregnant crossbred dairy cows of 2nd to 5th parity were randomly divided into two groups, control (n=10) and treatment (n=30). The control animals were maintained on a routine standard feeding schedule. The treatment animals in addition to routine standard feeding schedule were supplemented orally daily with extra 100 g of bypass fat (Enerfat, Kemin) for about 2 weeks before expected date of calving and continued one week after calving. The level of bypass fat was then increased as per the milk production @ 10 gram per litre of milk produced until 60 days postpartum limiting to a maximum of 250 gram/day. Average milk yield and fat percentage of the experimental animals were recorded fortnightly up to 60 days of lactation (excluding first 5 days postpartum). Bypass fat supplementation significantly (P<0.05) increased milk fat percentage but had no effect on average milk yield. In this study It was concluded that bypass fat supplementation did not show any beneficial effect on average milk yield but significantly increased milk in fat percentage.