Eco-friendly management of Spodoptera litura Fab. using plant products
Sangavi R and R Ravichandran
Spodoptera litura is an economically important polyphagous pest in India, China and Japan causing considerable economic loss to many vegetable and field crops since the larvae can defoliate many economically important crops. The overuse of synthetic pesticides to control insect pests leads to physiological resistance and adverse environmental effects, in addition to high operational cost. Insecticides of botanical origin have been reported as useful for control of agricultural and public health insect pests. Present study was designed to study the efficacy of four plant products viz., Neem oil, pungam oil, NSKE, Vasambu powder and an insecticide check (Monocrotophos) against the feeding activitiy of S. litura, each were taken in different concentrations. Among the products tested, spray application of NSKE 5% followed by neem oil 2% and vasambu 5% were found significantly effective in reducing the feeding activity and there by exhibited feeding deterrency throughout the period of experimentation.