P-ISSN: 2349-6800, E-ISSN: 2320-7078
Title and Authors Name |
Variations in catalase and peroxidase activity in Cyprinus carpio in response to copper nanoparticles exposure pages: 01-06 | 1190 views 410 downloads | country: Pakistan |
A study of knowledge, attitude and practices regarding human activities and the breeding of mosquito vectors of human diseases in Ikeduru L.G.A., IMO state, Nigeria pages: 07-15 | 1223 views 327 downloads | country: Nigeria |
Assessment of the biochemical and hematological variations in mice infected with Schistosoma mansoni Cercariae pages: 16-21 | 890 views 208 downloads | country: Nigeria |
Record of Chromosomes in Giant honeybee, Apis dorsata Fabricius population from different geo-locations of Southern Karnataka, India pages: 22-25 | 1137 views 332 downloads | country: India |
Bats diversity and abundance, record of Taphozous mauritianus E. Geoffroy St.-Hilaire, 1818 for the first time in Burkina Faso pages: 26-31 | 1055 views 314 downloads | country: Burkina Faso |
Evaluation on air-dried of fluidized bed dryer for rice pre-treatment to control stored insect pests pages: 32-36 | 1065 views 348 downloads | country: Malaysia |
Evaluation of factors of loss on stocks of smoked fish in three subdivisions of the Cameroon maritime coastal zone in Littoral region pages: 37-44 | 1118 views 390 downloads | country: Cameroon |
Response of two silkworm (Bombyx mori l.) Races against two different cultivars of mulberry at district Peshawar pages: 45-49 | 870 views 275 downloads | country: Pakistan |
New subdivision of cotton production area of Côte d’Ivoire based on the infestation of main arthropod pests pages: 50-57 | 1328 views 308 downloads | country: Cote D'Ivoire |
Vulnerability and morphometric characteristics of hunting game species in the Lama Forest Reserve (Southern Benin republic) pages: 58-69 | 985 views 260 downloads | country: Benin |